Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Learning found in a book

Proverbs 22:15 Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child;
The rod of correction will drive it far from him.

The first part is of this proverb is perhaps harder for me to hear than the second. All my life I've heard about Jesus saying, "unless you become like a child..." and how wonderful children are. I have been taught and still believe that children are in a "safe", unaccountable position with God. Yet this Proverb tells me that, even though they aren't accountable yet to God for their foolishness, it is there "bound up" in their heart.

A much younger single friend quoted this Proverb to me about a year ago when we were discussing children spending time with their peers. I suppose I had read or heard this proverb before, but at the time she mentioned it, it seemed a new thing to me. This younger friend has a very wise mother who has raised her extremely well and the daughter has benefitted from her mother's wisdom.

So are we born good or bad? I don't know the answer to that, but I do know what Solomon (?) in the wisdom that God gave him said. I'm very glad to know this proverb as I raise my son. It helps me to recognize what he's dealing with and how I need to deal with it. Popular opinion seems to be that children need to spend time with their peers, but I certainly would put a limit on it. People constantly tells us how amazed they are at the behavior and vocabulary of our 3 year old son. (We heard it at least 3 times tonight as we were out shopping.) It is because we understand the truth of Proverbs 22:15. We are following the advice of the 2nd half and striving to drive foolishness far from him. And we recognize that the influence of others who have foolishness bound up in their heart would only hurt his progress.

He is a precious gift from God. I look forward to see him grow into maturity as God blesses the attention his parents have given to wise counsel.


Casey Perkins said...

"People constantly tells us how amazed they are at the behavior and vocabulary of our 3 year old son."

What have you guys done to develop James' vocabulary?

Always looking for tips to use with my sweet little Eliza...


KayPelham said...


There's been no formal vocabulary teaching. His vocabulary has come from listening to us and whoever else he is around. We do take time to correct pronunciation and grammar. There has been a few funny times because of the many irregularities of our English language. James: "Daddy, where did you went?" Daddy: "Where did you go." James: "Daddy, where did you go?" Daddy: "I went to the barn." Look of puzzlement on James' face. He's just been corrected for using "went" and then it's okay for Daddy to use it.

The "tip" is to have real conversation with your child. And then keep them away from day-care where they would be surrounded by baby talk for 8 hours a day.
