Sunday, December 17, 2006

Learning that's not found in books

We love to read and learn in this house. We also love good character and learning to instill that in our son comes from more than reading parenting manuals. Being older parents, we have had plenty of time to read and learn from others experiences; but there's nothing like having your own to realize you don't have the perfect solution to every needed behavior modification. But what compels us to continue and to adjust our methods is the strong desire that our son will be a boy of good character. We are convinced that training of honest habits began at birth. We do not lie to our son --- ever! We do not allow him to tell partial truths. He must be in the habit of telling the truth and eventually as he matures he will develop a love for truth.

That's one thing I have learned in these 3+ years with my son. He must be trained in the habits of doing right. The heart and desire for it will come later for him. That doesn't stop me from talking to him about loving the truth. But I know he won't really have that heart desire and be compelled by it until later. So we find other means of compelling to instill the good habits.

He is quite an excellent boy. I love him very much. He is beautiful and healthy. He is very smart. He is very loving. Every night he gives me a hug and a kiss and says "good night." Often throughout the day he gives me a hug and says, "mmm, I love you."

He is also starting to drop the "mommy" and "daddy" in favor of a more grown up "mom" and "dad". I like that. I like that he's growing up. People have said so often, "oh, they grow up so fast, don't they?" Maybe I'll feel that way down the road, but right now I love every growing up stage. I love being able to talk with him. I love seeing him get better and better at reading and writing. I love hearing him learn to use speech to express his feelings. I love to hear him adding words to his vocabulary --- words that he hasn't had to have taught and defined to him, but words that he has heard us use and understands their meaning because of context. I hope that God will allow us to have many more years together.

Proverbs 1:8, 9. My son, hear the instruction of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother; for they will be graceful ornaments on your head, and chains about your neck.

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