Friday, December 15, 2006

Getting started

Getting started on this blog --- which will be a lot about getting started. My husband and I are late (in the view of some) to many things in life. We married in our late 30s (okay, I had just turned 40). We have a 3 year old son and are occasionally mistaken for his grandparents. After stumbling around through our 20s and 30s in different educational and career and spiritual pursuits, we have found a career for both of us. Our prayer is that the husband's main bread-winning occupation will allow him time to pursue the writing that is burning on his heart. My "career" as wife, mother and educator is everything I could ever want. As we continue to throw off the shackles of many years of religious traditional teaching (and unnecessary and ungodly religious oppression) we are enjoying the freedom of really getting to know our Father and creator. Life is good and God has been faithful to us in answering our continual prayer to "give us what we need."

We are strong believers in home education and home fellowship of believers (for lack of a better description at this point). We are grateful that God gave us our son and entrusted us with his spiritual and intellectual education. Of course He gave us a head start by blessing us with a very sharp little fellow. I'm constantly learning things about my own character through my interaction with him and am challenged to change things lest I spoil his chances to have a heart and character pleasing to God.

My husband and I are constantly reading and challenging our previous views of God and the Scriptures. The greatest thing that we wish to pass on to our son is to not just believe what Mom and Dad taught him about God, but for him to examine it for himself. We are grateful that we won't have to pass along much of the religious baggage that we were given, but also know that we may never have it all figured out and want our son to not just rely on what we know and have taught him.

We love studying history. We would probably be described as being conservative politically --- maybe libertarian in some categories. My husband often tells people that he is more conservative than the "Conservatives". We believe very much that this country was founded on some very good and sound principles and that people have forgotten that. We hope to be a part of educating whoever we can about this. We recognize tremendously the very poor education we got in the government schools about our own government. That won't happen to our son. We will be writing much on this blog about our thoughts and beliefs on this topic.

So, this is the Pelham House of Learning. It is a continual, to the end of our life here on earth, pursuit. It didn't end at 18 with our high school diplomas or with the receipt of our college degrees.

Proverbs 1:5-7 A wise man will hear and increase learning,
And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel,
To understand a proverb and an enigma,
The words of the wise and their riddles.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

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