Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mid year check in

Now that June is here, I thought I'd pop in here and let you know that the last post is still true and I'm still blogging at . Please do come over and visit us there. Lots of pictures and thoughts in these 4 months of our life and learning journey. See James narrate. See James swim. See James explore nature. See James say very sweet things to his mom. Oh, and Jack too! Come see us and please leave comments. We love to make connections with our readers. There's always room for new friends.

Monday, January 31, 2011

I Moved

In case anyone wanders in here and wonders what became of me, I moved to a website that my husband made for me.  You can find me at    So far I've been more active there than I was in the 4 years here.  I'll come back here to visit from time to time.  Might even steal some posts from here and copy them over there.

Meet me over there if you like.  Thanks.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Father and son

Yesterday's math lesson turned into an extended life talk with Dad.  Mom went to Dad to seek help on finding out why James didn't get as many addition facts solved as she thought he should and to see what Dad thought about how much was a reasonable amount and what we could do to help James.  After Dad went through a series of addition facts with James, he began to talk to him about discipline and the mind.  And they made lots of life applications to this basic necessary life skill.  James was so pumped the rest of the day.

I thought about what had happened and how blessed James was to have such a dad.  And I thought about how so many men and women are "messed up" simply because they don't have a parent who will spend time with them talking about things on a high level.  I'm not sure that James' pumpitude through the remainder of the day was really about the exact thing they had discussed, but more about the fact that his Dad valued him enough to spend this time with him and to talk to him on such a high level.

James was having trouble going to sleep last night.  He came into our room and expressed concern about who would take care of him if something bad happened to us.  He says from time to time that he is amazed that, of all the parents in the world he could have been born to, that we would be the ones.  He is very grateful.  And I'm extremely grateful for him.

I love my husband and son very much.  I love my husband for his clear-mindedness and doing the right thing because it is the right thing.  I love him for having vision for the future and seeing the good and bad consequences of our every day choices and interactions.  I love that he is influenced by a drive for what is true.  I love that my son has such great values and wisdom at such a young age.  He also wants truth. And he takes nothing for granted.  He is a very grateful boy. 

"Correct your son, and he will give you peace;
          yes, he will bring delight to your soul." ~Proverb 29:17