Monday, March 26, 2007

March 2007

I thought I should post something so that March 2007 wouldn't be missing from the archive list on the left.

There are a million thoughts I have every day, so it is not as if there is nothing to post continually. I just need to be in the habit of being compelled to record what I'm thinking.

I could write about my thoughts about the lost "art" of being able to share your art without having to be on a stage. I recently sent an email to the makers of Disney channel's "Little Einsteins" to please nip in the bud the recent addition of a mike in Annie's hand. I never heard back from them. I wish that kids could learn to love music and dance and not have to imagine themselves a star on the stage. Is it the music that they are learning to love or the attention that the music can get them? My 3 year old son occasionally walks up to people he knows or sometime people he doesn't know (at the playground, for example) and says, "I have a song." And then he shares a song he has enjoyed singing. He just likes to share the music. I love that. I felt sad for years that it seemed that I had spent many years and much money in studying piano and I was not using it. Now I am happy to be able to play at home and play for my son and with my husband. When we have guests, we occasionally play duets for them. This is fun and fulfilling and what a blessing to be able to share this with people.

We are currently in a quite unfinished state of transition in our life. This involves my husband's job and our living situation. We have been spending a lot of time traveling and in hotels. Our son is having a good time, but I'll be happy to be settled again.

Proverbs 16:9 A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.